About This Facility
Herbert Holt Park is the home of Gatlinburg's Trout Rearing Facility, which is Tennessee's only municipal trout farm. The facility is designed to maintain a trout fishery, specifically rainbow trout, within the city limits of Gatlinburg. Fish reared at the facility are facility are transported in loads ranging from 350 to 500 lbs. per stocking and deposited into the West Prong of the Little Pigeon River every Thursday (no fishing
is allowed on Thursday).
Customer Challenge
The biggest problem they have are leaves clogging the intake which causes the wet well to get too low. When this happens their air burst system cleans the intake screen before the pumps come back on. Sometimes the air burst can not keep up and the system gets into a cycle of pumping then stopping to clean to a point that the compressor runs out of air completely and the fish have extended periods of time without fresh water. The only way they could tell what was happening without being present in the past was to get a call from our emergency call out system, but at that point they are in a big rush to get to work and solve the problem and could possibly not make it in time. pressure, flow, current, etc. The RMC 2000 is a cloud based IIoT system. There is no installed or purchased software required. It is a solution that is not only inexpensive but also easy to install and maintain.
Southern Sales, Inc. www.southernsalesinc.com the AccuDose local representative who originally provided the high-end state of the art pump station to the facility suggested the AccuDose AccuWatch RMC-2000 remote monitoring system. The system provides low cost, real time data with free cellular internet connection. The RMC-2000 provides 7 digitals and 4 analog 4 to 20 ma inputs. Each analog can be configured for monitoring wet well levels, tank levels, pressure, flow, current, etc. The RMC 2000 is a cloud based IIoT system. There is no installed or purchased software required. It is a solution that
is not only inexpensive but also easy to install and maintain.
With the RMC-2000 I can remotely monitor the water level as well as the pump run times which I use together to time the cleaning cycles and have someone on scene before an emergency call takes place which greatly reduces our risk of fish loss.
- Travis Williams, Trout Facility Manager

The inlet pipe water feeds at the head of
the raceways of the trout farm

The existing pump station with control panel and
auto dialer. The AccuDose AccuWatch RMC-2000
was installed above the control panel and improved
the existing monitoring and alarm reporting
The proprietary internet data protocol allows the RMC-2000 to be monitored by the server via cellular connectivity and the internet in real-time on the AccuDose cloud-based server. This allows the user to monitor the analog and digital data instantaneously. Also, the server provides historical trending of the analog values and
reporting of the digital statuses. Alarm notifications can be sent via text and or email.

AccuWatch RMC-2000 Monitoring Controller has Onboard Web Server UI as Well as
Cellular Based Cloud Server Remote Access.

AccuWatch RMC-2000 Monitoring Controller has easy to Configure Setup Screen for all
IO and System parameters.
Gatlinburg trout farm facility and Travis Williams installed and are currently utilizing the RMC-2000 unit in their facility to measure and monitor the level of the river
as well as the pump statuses and condition. The cost is a fraction of what they and others have paid for their SCADA sites with less security and functionality . They
have the ability to monitor any four analog values as well as 7 digital inputs with and eighth digital monitoring power fail. They also have the option of installing a 4 to
20 ma output module or an RS485 MODBUS module.
Travis Williams the Trout Facility Manager at Herbert Holt Park can now sleep peacefully knowing that the fish are safe, and everything is being carefully monitored by the AccuDose RMC-2000 System.